Monday, November 24, 2008


We just moved servers - typical this day and age

We just move to a different server for this blog and site.

If you notice anything strange here please send us an email at jon (at) or call our office at 734-662-6240.



We just moved servers - typical this day and age

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Secret way some buyers give away negotiating leverage during a home purchase

If you are reading this blog about buying a home in Belleville it is fairly certain that you are thinking about buying a home. If not in Belleville Michigan then somewhere.

Here is something I bet you don't know:

When you go on a property search site that belongs to a real estate company or a individual agent they can track your activity. That's right. They can spy on you.

This can end doing bad things to you if you end up negotiating on a home with that company as the selling office or the listing office. We've seen it happen.

There is more to this than meets the eye, but if you want to be sure you aren't being watched, you should know that our property search site guarantees your searching process won't get shared with a listing office or with a home seller. We can do that because we are an exclusive buyer agency office. (Exclusive buyer agency is when a real estate company only works for buyers, never sellers. And they never list property.)

Our announcement of the site will be coming shortly and it will be at our main office website:

Ann Arbor Real Estate Buyer's Broker


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